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Stand Alone Videos
Spine (with glutes)
Release through the glutes and create space in your spine. This will help keep your spine more flexible and healthier.
- 19 min
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Stand Alone Videos
Open across the front of the chest, relieving neck, shoulder, or upper back tension.
- 16.11 min
Stand Alone Videos
Work this large muscle that threads through your pelvis and help to relieve tight hip flexors and low back.
- 5.14 min
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Stand Alone Videos
Lengthen and release the abdominals. This will help create space in the low back, organizing the pelvis and relieving low back tension.
- 3.22 min
Stand Alone Videos
Release through the back of the legs.
This will release low back tension, as well as help you feel more lengthened and grounded, increasing the connection to your feet.
You may feel better balance and more strength.
- 18.15 min
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Stand Alone Videos
Release the front of the upper legs.
- 5.55 min
Stand Alone Videos
Yamuna Leg Stretch With Wall
This is a great option to get deeper into the legs with the smaller black ball, and covering more surface area by working through several lines along the muscles.
The wall also offers support if you find it challenging to sit up straight while doing these stretches.
- 43.46 min
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Stand Alone Videos
Yamuna Back of Leg Stretch Using a Chair
Using the chair, to stretch the back of your legs, makes this work accessible if you cannot get down to the floor. It is also a great way to get a quick stretch in while at your work desk!
- 6.10 min
Stand Alone Videos
Inner Thighs
We don’t stretch this area enough! Release of the inner thighs will give you a lot of bang for your buck. This sequence will allow more freedom in the upper leg and hip. You may also feel a release in the pelvis or low back.
- 14.44 min
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Stand Alone Videos
Outside Upper Leg
Pelvis into IT band. Tight on the band on the outside of your leg? Then this is a great video to try!
- 12.42 min
Stand Alone Videos
Standing Inner Thighs
Bring your upper leg bones, knees, and ankles into better alignment with this standing inner thigh routine. You will move and feel better!
- 10.47 min
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Stand Alone Videos
Lower Legs
Always do the hamstring (upper back of the leg) and quadriceps (upper front of the leg) sequences before doing this lower leg sequence. The lower leg, calves and shins, is an amazing stretch allowing more freedom of movement in your feet and ankles. You will walk with more lightness!
- 11.18 min
Stand Alone Videos
Front Line Stretch
A powerful way to open the front of the hips, and low back. Do this on its own or just before doing the chest sequence for great results! Feel the length and strength up the front line of your body.
- 4.39 min
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Stand Alone Videos
Great for creating length between the top of the pelvis and the bottom of the ribcage, softening through the ribs to enhance breathing, and opening through the shoulders and hips. Enjoy!
- 28.11 min
Stand Alone Videos
Upper Trapezius
The upper traps are the big thick muscles moving through your shoulders and going up into your neck. Release in these muscles will free your neck and shoulders! We start with warming up the spine and sternum with the gold ball (pearl works also), then into the upper traps using 2 black balls.
- 11.07 min
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Stand Alone Videos
Often we are imbalanced in the strength of these muscles from side to side, causing imbalances in the pelvis or ribcage.
Work through obliques can release tightness which may provide a sensation of great relief through shoulders, neck, and hips, and allow you to move with greater balance side to side.
- 28.33 min
Combinations In Your Rolling
This is a 35 minute course addressing areas that can create tension in the hips. Movements in this course include:
- Back, front, and sides of both hips, creating space in the pelvis and hip joints, and allowing for better functioning of the hips.
- 35.55 min
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Combinations In Your Rolling
Standing Neck, Outer Arm, and Sternum
Easy standing work with your neck, arms, and sternum will enhance openness, and allow you to move more freely through your shoulder girdle.
- 13.55 min
Combinations In Your Rolling
Sacrum & Pubic Bone
Great for tightness in low back and hip flexors. Want to feel the back of your pelvis melt? Try this one!
- 60.28 min
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Combinations In Your Rolling
Pelvis and Upper Body
This course integrates work in the upper body and pelvis, while creating space. It will leave you feeling taller, more open and freer in your movements! This 45 minute session includes:
- Psoas
- Glutes & Spine
- Chest
- Abdominals
- 47 min
Combinations In Your Rolling
Spine, Sternum, and Upper Trapezius
The upper traps are the big thick muscles moving through your shoulders and going up into your neck. Release in these muscles will free your neck and shoulders! We start with warming up the spine and sternum with the gold ball (pearl works also), then into the upper traps using 2 black balls.
- 31.49 min
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Combinations In Your Rolling
Seated Feet with the Foot Wakers followed by back and front of legs
Stretch your feet! Create awareness in your base, and experience overall better functioning when you start to address your feet.
Learn to open and strengthen your feet with this detailed work, using the foot savers. Routines are taught seated in this video. Continue with opening the front and back of the legs. A great routine pre or post a walk, run, hike, or bike ride.
- 45.06 min
Combinations In Your Rolling
The Yamuna Face work can help with tension headaches, sinus issues, migraines, and TMJ. Neck and shoulder tightness can also be relieved with the face work.
Give yourself a mini facelift!
- 50.05 min
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Combinations In Your Rolling
Upper Back and Neck
Whether you are trying to release tension in your neck or your rib cage, this work is for you. Working through the upper back and neck in this systematic way will create space, allowing the release of tension. Feel your back open, shoulders relax, and breath easier as your ribcage softens.
- 38.34 min
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Seated Feet With Foot Wakers
Learn to open and strengthen your feet with this detailed work, using the foot wakers. Routines are taught seated in this video.
- 20.02 min
Seated Feet with Foot Savers
Using these small black domes can help you make structural change in your feet. This work is great for foot issues such as; fallen arches, bunions neuromas, hammer toes, and heel pain.
- 39.45 min
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Standing Feet with Foot Wakers and Savers
Learn how to work your strength starting at your feet. This standing work teaches you how to become active at your base…your feet! You can then learn how to connect up through the body for your best performance.
- 21.49 min
Top of Feet
Get more movement in your ankles, allowing you to develop more strength! This along with your foot work will enhance your balance, as well as keeping all of the joints above your feet as healthy as possible. This sequence is best done after opening the feet with either the foot wakers or savers. Enjoy!
- 9.57 min
The Pilates Seven
Move through the essentials of a foundational mat class. Great for a quick workout on vacation, a busy day, or new to the work!
- 14.12 min
Pilates At The Wall
The wall and towel offer great feedback when moving through a mat class. Find connections in your body that you might not otherwise.
- 47.16 min
Pilates With The Arc
The arc is great for opening the chest, upper back and hips while moving through your mat work!
- 15.42 min
Pilates With The Foam Roller
The foam roller is an inexpensive tool if you don’t have a Pilates arc available. Open your back and get more movement in your shoulder blades as you work. You may find challenges in your Pilates Matwork , as the instability of the roller demands connections that you might not find otherwise.
- 16.07 min
Pilates With The Magic Circle
The magic circle helps you find the connection of the arms to your back, as well as the glute and leg connection when moving and stabilizing the lower body. It is magic indeed!
- 33.30 min